Ten Songs for Different Valentine’s Days

Happy Valentime’s Day, everyone!  Unfortunately, this year is one when I couldn’t take advantage of the great offers for roses from the vendors on the street corners.  I didn’t buy a heart-shaped box of candy and I’m not headed out to dinner with a sweetie.  But there’s no reason not to celebrate love.  Love is an amazing thing and, in fact, I think we should all celebrate St. Valentine every day.  So here are ten great songs for a wide range of different Valentine’s Days.*

1. The ‘old timer’s’ Valentine: Embraceable You – Nat Cole Trio (The Vocal Classics, Vol. 1)

2. The ‘Valentine that is so good, it doesn’t need words’ Valentine: Flamenco Sketches– Miles Davis (Kind of Blue)

The gangsta Valentine: (actually, it’s a tie between)

3. 99 Problems – Jay-Z (The Black Album)

4. Can You Control Yo Hoe – Snoop Dogg (Rhythm & Gangsta – The Masterpiece)

5. The ‘through thick and thin’ Valentine: I Loves you Porgy – Bill Evans Trio (Live at the Village Vanguard, 1961)

6. The indie Valentine: Re: Stacks – Bon Iver (For Emma, Forever Ago)

7. The soulful Valentine: Slow Dance – John Legend (Once Again)

8. The ‘I’m not over you yet’ Valentine: Marvins Room – Drake (Take Care)

9. The rock and roll Valentine: With or Without You – U2 (The Joshua Tree)

10. The ‘more clever than any other Valentine’ Valentine: Happy Valentine’s Day – Andre 3000 (The Love Below)


* I don’t claim that this is a definitive list of great love songs, so here is an explanation of my methodology.  These are all in my iTunes library.  They have something to do with love–good or bad, requited or unrequited, swooning or bitter.  I like them. And I’m making the rules.

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