Oscars 2012

The two dope boys live chatted the Oscars last night.  For the first and last time.
jonweberchicago [jon]: Oscars 3012!
Jules Winfield [JW]: i’ve been warming up on E. the channel, for clarification. what the dictator did to ryan seacrest was the highlight. i saw it live
SO [fiancee] just asked why penelope cruz is balding.
jon: It almost looked like she had a comb over.
JW: uh oh. SO said she also looked gorgeous.  When is mad men starting again? john hamm makes me want to buy a mercedes SUV. and watch mad men
8:00 PM
jon: She did look gorgeous, except for the comb over.  I’m watching the red carpet coverage on ABC. On mute.
JW: should we do some early predictions? here are my top five things i’m looking forward to: 1) george clooney; 2) jean du jardin’s mime silent acceptance speech 3) cirque; 4) and…um, well, that’s it i think
jon: What, no Billy Crystal monologue?  What are the odds on a Whitney Houston tribute, somewhere in the show?  I’ll see your George Clooney.  I’m disappointed that Glen Close didn’t come to the Oscars dressed at Albert Nobbs
Just tweeted by @jacko2323: “Bad call by Sandra Bullock to use Joan Rivers’ doctor for her facelift.”
JW: i dont know anything about albert nobbs. was i supposed to do research? sorry, thai food just showed up. so celebs said who they’re rooting for. i’m rooting for george, jonah, girl with the dragon tattoo — the girl, midnight in paris. and the muppets
jon: I agree with those picks. I also like Gary Oldman.  I’m assuming that Tom Hanks is growing a goatee for a movie.
8:29 PM 
JW: i thought hanks looked good. nice to see julia roberts, on a commercial for her next horrible movie.  about to start…and why i am talking so much about how the guys looked???
SO: b/c the most beautiful woman on the planet is sitting next to you.
JW: concur.  uh, freeman! whitney tribute already??  that might be wrong…like racially speaking
jon: Haha. Nicely played.
JW: billy was aight. thought the jokes were better than the singing
jon: really? I was sort of impressed with the ease of his singing
JW: sam elliott with long white hair!!!!!  Never seen a harry potter movie, ever. never will
SO: why does michelle williams always look like she’s about to cry?
JW: i want to see Hugo
jon: Didn’t see it either
JW: meryl streep hasn’t won an oscar since 1982? that is surprising. what also is surprising is that she’s the same age
jon: There will be a Whitney reference (Bodyguard) in this montage.  What?? No Bodyguard?
JW: disgrace.  she’s smoking crack in heaven b/c she’s so pissed
jon: I like the costumes that Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz are wearing
JW: i thought hugo was animated, and i’m pretty sure jane eyre keeps coming out every year.
jon: Haha. It’s that good that it’s remade year after year
JW: jane eyre in 3D next year
jon: “I was a kid from Niagara falls that dreamed and ate movies…and women’s fashion.” Jane Eyre with the blue guys from Avatar
JW: i’m already bored. WOW. what was that butt thing with j Lo and c diaz?  pharrell is trying to “mix it up”
9:00 PM 
morgan freeman is a golfer.  tom cruise looks old.  what’s the better job: actor or professional sports anchor?
jon: I think that was supposed to be Charlie’s Angels.  If you’re a good actor, I say actor.  If you’re mediocre, definitely sports anchor
JW: i think sports anchor, except you can smoke a lot of dope if you’re an actor. should that matter?
jon: No matter
JW: anchor
jon: I think Christian Bale should have presented this award in his Batman outfit. I’d be less bored
JW: standing ovation for best supporting actress? thank you alabama!
jon: So are you a little offended that she is likely getting a standing ovation because she is a crying black woman?
JW: uh oh, pharell is back. um, no, i wasn’t thinking that. but i just didnt know that her performance was THAT outstanding
jon: Really? No Pharell in chicago
JW: he’s in the theater dude. in the opera box playing the drums or something
jon: Ha. Sorry, I was watching the electric violin player
JW: to the side of the stage — what do you call that box? i’ve never really thought those were great seats. why do they put them there?
jon: Easy. Because that’s a perfect place to literally look down on the artists
JW: but dont you want to look at them, and not at the tops of their heads? dude, the all star game is on
jon: Is it time to switch back and forth between basketball?  Will that make both a little more interesting? 
JW: yes — d wade just got called for an intentional foul. ha. on kobe. hit him in the face. now kobe is bleeding!!! this is great. it’s the all star game
jon: Isn’t it supposed to be a civilized contest?
JW: kobe looks pissed. this is great
jon: The fake Wizard of Oz focus group is dumb, but I love Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy, and co.
JW: christopher guest thing was funny. HA. who is stacy keebler?
jon: Have no idea, bro
JW: everyone talks about her like she’s famous. let’s go back to the opera box — do you think those are the best seats in the theater?
jon: No, that’s the ironic thing. They’re often not great seats, for sound anyway. It’s a very commanding view though
JW: commanding, nice usage of an action verb to describe the view. the box needs to move. let’s start an occupy opera box movement
jon: Where would you move the box?
JW: center, suspended in the theater from the ceiling, like the football camera that roams the field.  banging out the editing categories — going to all star game. SO has already gone to bed. well done oscars
jon: Riveting. Ahh, like the cable cam in an NFL game?
JW: yes, exactly. your box moves with the protagonist
jon: With catered food and open bar
JW: every activity forever always should have catered food and open bar
9:30 PM 
jon: Agreed!  Wait, was that Pharell?
JW: at the all star game? or in a commercial? pharrell is everywhere
jon: Omnipresent
JW: omnipotent. bosh just hit the side of the backboard with a three from the corner
jon: Did you see the slam dunk contest?
JW: no, nothing. who won? tom tibedeau (sp?) is playing all the heat guys all game…tiring them out for the season.
jon: Jeremy Evans won with a double dunk.  The Ricky Rubio fed Derrick Williams dunk was my favorite
JW: cirque!!
jon: There may have to be another post about the Summer of 1998 Cirque show in Chi-Town.
JW: that was too short. i think cirque is the most entertaining entertainment out there. and we were there from the beginning — ’98
jon: entertaining entertainment. action verb. I am sorry to say I haven’t heard of any of the nominated Documentaries. Did he just say “Sean Combs, executive producer”?
JW: yea, i learned that is true from my E research. chris rock should be hosting
jon: I like how he turns his stand up voice on and off
JW: so b/c SO has 11 and 9 yr old niece and nephews, i’ve seen a lot of these animated movies. puss n boots was aight
jon: your favorite?
JW: didnt see rango. they seriously are trying to make this the most boring show possible, aren’t they?
jon: The only reason that Samsung commercial is interesting is that the music is from Lost in Translation
JW: i need to re-watch that movie. it’s been a while. i’m scared now that it won’t mean as much to me
jon: That might be worth the risk. I think it could hold up. Or that it brings back all that we were thinking 10 years ago.
JW: emma stone lost me, then got me back, then lost me all in her 30 second presentation. but her connection with jonah hill, which goes back to superbad, makes everything ok
Jon: I agree. Boop.  Do you think Martin Scorsese is getting tired of the awards by now?
JW: he’s getting tired of this acceptance speech. i saw the beginners.  it’s good. c plummer will win
jon: I didn’t see it, but thought it looked good.
JW: deserved standing O
jon: Pretty classy speech too
JW: nice speech.  oh no, pharell!!
jon: There’s whitney!!
JW: yea, old people have really good perspective, or just more practice. WHITNEY. subtle. going to walk dude [the dog]…seriously. there is just nothing going on
jon: No formal training in music –> Oscar in original score. (I’m trying hard, bro)
JW: ha — that really gets you
jon: That’s fine that he didn’t have formal training. But it’s not fine to glorify that
JW: i’m glad i didnt walk out yet
jon: Will Ferrell and Zack G to save the show?
JW: funny, but way too short
jon: White tuxes and gloves. Flight of the Conchords is brilliant
10:30 PM
JW: in the production meeting, they were like: ok, our best two presenters all night will be will ferrell and zach G. so let’s have them present shorter than emma stone. and cirque will be the most entertaining, so let’s have them go 45 seconds. and let’s drag out everything else, like the emma stone presentation, and billy crystal’s song.  ok, now i’m going for a walk
jon: Goodnight, Oscars?  I had no idea that George Clooney was a co-screen writer for Ides of March.  Which probably reinforces the man-crush
JW: i didnt know that either. i hope pharrell is high.  i thought ides was pretty good. i actually thought it should have been longer. i liked all the characters, really well acted
jon: I’d say there’s a good chance he’s high. No reason not to be, if he’s sitting in the opera box for the entire show, playing drums
JW: i think that’s what they’ve asked him to do. confined to the box. in is E interview before the show, he basically said the oscars has a lot of rules, and wouldnt let him do anything he wanted to do
jon: what did he want to do that made them confine him to a box?
JW: i drank some jefferson bourbon last night. had it? really good
jon: No. There are so many craft distillers now. It’s hard to know where to start.  Kristin Wiig and Maia Rudolph. Obviously told to keep it under 15 seconds
JW: it must be hard to put together previews of the short films. i think i’ve seen all of the shore now — preview then winning montage
jon: Ha!
JW: god is the bigger elvis? what?!
jon: none of that makes sense. Two films from Muslim countries win oscars. Never would have happened under GWB. I almost don’t believe that they allow the short film people to give acceptance speeches. Come on, make a longer movie!
JW: do you think it’s like the minor leagues? if you make a good short, we’ll let you make a full film. or is it totally different, like you only make short films forever
jon: Ha. Maybe.
JW: they are just re-playing the all star game on tnt. i’m in
jon: You think that if you’re really good at short films, somebody would want you to make a longer one
JW: i always like michael douglas.  my favorite m douglas movie: wonder boys
jon: Good movie. I know you love it
JW: oh no. i hope the artist doesn’t go on a run
jon: Hugo has won all its awards for the night?
JW: hugo is done
jon: I’d like to see a dark horse
JW: but not war horse. ever
jon: no. not war horse. terrible idea for a movie that was barely made watchable by Spielburg and John Williams
JW: where is the dictator sitting? did you see him pour kim jong il’s ashes on ryan seacrest?
jon: Whitney. Again. That girl can sing. haha. No. But I love it
11:00 PM
jon: just watched it on YouTube. Hilarious.
JW: really funny. seacrest had no clue.  who the hell is that?
jon: I liked seeing the security guards pull him away. On and on Badu? [actually Esperanza Spalding]
JW: steve jobs?
jon: Confused???
JW: you cant even kinda get there. because you can watch movies on your iPad? if that’s the case, where’s the guy that created the television, the movie screen, and blockbuster
jon: And popcorn
JW: in memoriam M&Ms
jon: Requiem twizzlers
JW: the samsung smart tv looks ridiculously cool
jon: Tom Cruise is sitting on a very tall stool in this montage
JW: ed norton insists upon himself
jon: Did you see A Better Life?
JW: no, but now i want to
jon: I do too
JW: dude is barking at the artist clip b/c of the dog.  dat movie aint silent!
jon: Come on, Dude
JW: i want to see tinker tailor soldier spy too
jon: It was good.  I wish it was longer. I think someone just woke Pharell up. And who the hell is that keyboard player singing?
JW: haha — that guy from slumdog millionaire?
jon: I thought it was the “She’s Your Queen To Be” guy [from Coming to America]
JW: bark like a dog
jon: woof. woof.  Did you know Rooney Mara is the granddaughter of Steelers’ owner Art Rooney?
JW: are you serious?  i hope she wins
jon: Mara or Meryl?
JW: mara
jon: Breakout performance for Mara, definitely.
10:30 PM 
jon: Interesting that the most effusive introductions for actors and actresses didn’t win (A Better Life actor and The Help actress)
JW: i thought this category was strong
jon: Definitely. Really? Tom Cruise presents best picture??
JW: rdj was funny for his doc thing
jon: rdj?
JW: robert downey jr
jon: What’s your guess for Best Pic?
JW: artist i guess
jon: The Help. You win.
JW: the artist this year, the king’s speech last year. i havent seen a movie that really moved me like some used to…and i cant figure out if it’s me or the movies that are coming out
jon: I think criteria have changed. Must have
JW: the best movie i saw this year was 50/50. the movie that prob meant the most to me over the past five years is superbad. that’s weird, right?
jon: What was the last movie that moved you? Superbad?
JW: yea, superbad. i laughed so hard, thought it was so funny. holds up, i still like watching it. i quote it all the time. i pull for seth rogen. what was that jeff bridges country music movie where he won an oscar? i really enjoyed that — crazy horse? i think that was it.  anyway, wasted again. pharrell stole the show. i’m out for the night. we will never ever ever live chat the oscars again
jon: The only reason we’d ever live chat the Oscars is if we’re high and sitting next to Pharell. Of course, I love Superbad. Maybe an odd choice, but I think the last movie that stuck with me longer than expected was Up in the Air.
JW: i agree with you actually, up in the air was v close
jon: On several levels. Well acted in many roles. And the interviews with the people who had just lost their jobs made it powerful in another way

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