Going For A Walk

The other dope boy wrote a little over a week ago rather poetically about his upcoming spring break trip to Arizona.  I have been a poor partner and just read the post today.  The post is emotional, beautiful, and thought-provoking.  Reading it made me want to unplug completely (ironic as I’m writing this), stir an alcoholic beverage with my cell phone (did that in college — the phone breaks), and WALK (more on this in a second) immediately out of my office into the sun.  But, all of that being said, I do want to take issue with one part of Spring Break 2012:  the “hiking.”

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Spring break 2012!!

Recently, I was explaining to a group of 20-somethings why the 30s are so much better than the previous decade.  They were skeptical.  The full exposition is for a later post, but here’s a teaser: one reason that your 30s are so much better than your 20s is that you have the money to do more things that you want, like take sweet vacations.  And speaking of sweet vacations, I’ve been spending a lot of time these days thinking about my sweet “Spring Break” plans.  I’m not headed to Panama City to get wasted with some 20 year olds.  It’s not that kind of spring break (although I may or may not have just added that to my bucket list).  Instead, I’m taking advantage of a window of opportunity in mid-April and heading to Arizona for a 4-day solo jaunt in Saguaro National Park.

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