Can a playa get just a little bit of help?

There’s no sense in softening it: dating as a thirty-something in 2012 is terrible.  Maybe I don’t hang out in all the right places.  Maybe I devote a little too much of my time and energy to my work life and not quite enough to my personal life.  Maybe I just haven’t met “The One.”*  But we’re not going to talk about those things right now.  Instead, we’re going to talk about one–and only one**–pretty terrible but pretty significant dynamic of dating in your 30s: short-term vs. long-term attraction.  Or put a little more scientifically, being hot vs. being interesting.

Realistically, the thirty-something dating pool is completely skewed.  I would divide them into four categories:  Continue reading

Ten Songs for Different Valentine’s Days

Happy Valentime’s Day, everyone!  Unfortunately, this year is one when I couldn’t take advantage of the great offers for roses from the vendors on the street corners.  I didn’t buy a heart-shaped box of candy and I’m not headed out to dinner with a sweetie.  But there’s no reason not to celebrate love.  Love is an amazing thing and, in fact, I think we should all celebrate St. Valentine every day.  So here are ten great songs for a wide range of different Valentine’s Days.*

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